Removal Utilities

The toolbox includes 2 file removal utilities which purge the epub file of unwanted artefacts sometimes left behind from manipulating files in the expanded epub.

OS Artefact remover

The OS Artefact remover deletes any .DS_Store or thumbs.db files introduced by manipulating files on a Mac or Windows PC respectively.

To remove OS artefacts select the Remove Files from Epub dropdown on the top right of the toolbox toolbar and choose OS Artefacts

os artefacts

Then choose the ePub file you wish to purge and select open

choose book

Once done the selected ePub should be purged of OS Artefacts.

iTunesMetadata.plist remover

Similar to OS Artefacts like the .DS_Store or thumbs.db, using iBooks on a Mac can sometimes introduce the iTunesMetadata.plist file to an epub, and in certain circumstances this must be removed prior to distribution in some eBook stores.

The iTunesMetadata artefact remover will doo this for you automatically.

To remove the iTunesMetadata files from your epub. select the Remove Files from Epub dropdown on the top right of the toolbox toolbar and choose iTunesMetadata.plist

itunes meta

Then choose the ePub file you wish to purge and select open

choose book

Once done the selected ePub should be purged of the iTunesMetadata files.