Getting Started


Before we get cracking you’ll need a Mac or a PC with the following specifications:

MacOS Linux
Version 10.6 or later Ubuntu 14 or later
1GB free HDD space 1GB free HDD space


Mac OS

  1. Download the compiled DMG by selecting the Mac OS link from the bottom of
  2. Mount the DMG file
  3. Drag and drop the EpubToolbox onto the Applications link

Debian Linux

  1. Download the compiled DEB package by selecting the Debian link from the bottom of
  2. Open a terminal and install the package:
cd ~/Downloads
sudo dpkg -i ./epubtoolbox-1.0.deb


  1. Download the compiled MSI by selecting the Windows link from the bottom of
  2. Open the MSI file
  3. Start the app by clicking Stringer in the start menu.

Building from Source

It is possible to download and build the application from its source code. To do this you’ll need to have the following installed on your machine:

  • Git
  • Oracle JDK 1.8
  • JavaFX
  • Maven 3 or later

If your machine satisfies the pre requisites, to build you’ll first need to clone the repository.

# SSH:
git clone

git clone

Compiling the Application

There are 2 projects included within this repo:

  • app
  • launcher

The launcher is a fxlauncher class, which bootstraps the application, and downloads any updates from the remote server.

Do not place any code you wish to update in the launcher project as it will not be updated along with the app.

The launcher works by maintaining an application manifest locally, and checking a manifest on the remote site for changes. See the fxlauncher documentation for more on how this works.

The app project is where all the magic happens.

To compile you’ll first need to build the launcher:

cd launcher
mvn clean package

Once the launcher is built you can now build the application package:

cd ../app
mvn clean package

As part of the build, the surefire plugin will execute all JUnit tests (which are covered in detail below).