App Archetype

➜ archetype -h

AppArchetype commands:
  app_archetype delete          # Deletes a template in ARCHETYPE_TEMPLATE_DIR
  app_archetype find            # Finds a template in collection
  app_archetype help [COMMAND]  # Describe available commands or one specific...
  app_archetype list            # Prints a list of known templates to STDOUT
  app_archetype new             # Creates a template in ARCHETYPE_TEMPLATE_DIR
  app_archetype open            # Opens template manifest file
  app_archetype path            # Prints template path to STDOUT
  app_archetype render          # Renders project template
  app_archetype validate        # Runs a schema validation on template manifest
  app_archetype variables       # Prints template variables
  app_archetype version         # Print app archetype version to STDOUT


App Archetype is a code project template renderer for generating code projects